Friday, February 10, 2012

Transmat acivated

Okay, I've got a new blog set up. Hopefully this one won't get unfairly shut down before it even gets going. Just to stay on the safe side I'm not putting up any hyperlinks. No blogroll, no Wikipedia references, nothing like that. Until now I've made it a point to link back to the blog of anyone who was kind enough to leave a comment here, and I'm sorry I won't be able to do that from now on. Maybe I'll find a workaround sometime, but I don't want to risk the banhammer right now.

I've also decided to drop the "Jerry Cornelius" handle. I really just adopted it on a whim. And this way I won't have to worry about posting anything that'll tick off MM. Besides, there's just too many Jerry Cornelius's running around on the web. I mean, blimey! Can't they find some other corner of the multiverse to cause trouble in? Anyway, from now on you can just call me "Mike." Boring, huh?

So tune in to Ultrawave for all future FTL transmissions. I hope to see you there.

Update (09 Oct 2012): I'm posting here again because something has gone haywire with my Ultrawave blog. I haven't been able to log in for close to a week. I can't even leave a comment! So I've set up a new Tumblr blog, Hyperwave. I'll be posting there from now on. I'm still getting settled in, but I should have things sorted out in a few days. I hope you'll come join me.


Löst Jimmy said...

I'll check out the new blog, and keep up the good work.
By the way there can never be too many Jerrys!
PS if you perfect a Transmat let me know, I've a date waiting in 1972

Have a good weekend

Jerry Cornelius said...

Be sure to leave a message there. It'll help convince them it's a legit blog.
I haven't got the transmat working trans-temporally yet, but it does have an annoying tendency to beam things into parallel universes.

Löst Jimmy said...

I did indeed leave a comment over on the other side, it came out as anonymous but I'll make sure my marker is down proper next time.

Jerry Cornelius said...

The new blog does have a non-standard interface. I think anon is the only option. But thanks for leaving a comment. I appreciate it.

Unknown said...,

Unknown said...

Thanks you!

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