Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Anime Film Favorites

I'm not normally a fan of the ubiquitous internet lists, but I do enjoy SF Signal's weekly Mind Meld. This time around they've asked people to list what they consider to be the Top Five Anime Films of All Time. There are some titles I disagree with (Inuyasha?!) and some I haven't seen, so this is a good excuse to track them down. Needless to say the obvious choices are well represented, with Akira, Ghost in the Shell and Miyazaki-san's corpus getting multiple mentions. I'm kind of surprised that mecha films aren't better represented. Gundam and Macross aren't even mentioned. Poor Minmei.

"No song for you SF Signal."

To top everything off, John tallies up the titles into a list of The Top 14 Anime Films of All Time. So it's something you might want to check out, even if you don't like lists.

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