Friday, June 5, 2009

In the Orbit of Saturn

Two tales from the pages of Astounding Stories (c. 1931) courtesy of Project Gutenberg.

In the Orbit of Saturn by R. F. Starzl

'Disguised as a voluntary prisoner on a pirate space ship, an I. F. P. man penetrates the mystery of the dreaded "Solar Scourge."'

Spawn of the Comet by H. Thompson Rich

'A swarm of huge, fiery ants, brood of a mystery comet, burst from their shells to threaten the unsuspecting world.'

The second one sounds like the plot of a Japanese kaiju eiga. Let's hope they get around to adding more of these authors' stories, like "The Beast Planets," "The Planet of Dread," and "The Globoid Terror." Aren't the garish titles of these old pulp stories great?

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