Monday, May 10, 2010

Sine Fiction

"Founded in 2000, Sine Fiction is a collection of imaginary soundtracks to classic science-fiction novels."

The Shockwave Rider by James Schidlowsky (SINE 003)

"A musical transposition of John Brunner’s classic 70s sci-fi novel by MontrĂ©al-based sound artist James Schidlowsky. Audible places of information society nightmares that are quite unique in the artist’s body of work."

Dhalgren by Dick Richards (SINE 005)

"Soundtrack to Samuel R Delany’s famous novel. Ranging from sombre ambient to upbeat electronic tracks, Kid’s posse and the apocalyptic landscapes of Bellona are vividly rendered by Dick Richards’ striking skills."

Radio Free Albemuth by Galactus Zeit (SINE 013)

"A fight for freedom set in a future despairingly close to us. Trace Reddell (aka galactus Zeit, the pHarmanaut) takes up Philip K Dick’s challenge of reaching the masses trough the airwaves with six upbeat and challenging tracks."

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